Pantwari is a Village in Dhanauliti tehsil in Tehri Garhwal District. This place is located 95 km from Dehradun. It is the base camp for Nag Tibba trek.With humble locals and several like-minded trekkers, you’ll always find this small village crowded and hospitable. Once you reach Pantwari, you start feeling the excitement of an amazing winter trek. The approximate Pantwari to Nag Tibba trek distance is 8 km. Though there are other alternate Nag Tibba trekking routes, most trekkers prefer to start from Pantwari.
How to reach Pantwari Village
There is no railway station near to Pantwari. nearest railway is Dehradun Railway Station which is 95 Kms away from Pantwari. After that you can hire a taxi or take a bus for Pantwari. There is also an alternate way from Dehradun via Vikashnagar to reach Pantwari.
Places to Visit during Drive
(Second Route):- Dehradun – Vikash nagar – Nainbagh – Pantwari.