How To Reach Neelkanth Mahadev

To reach Neelkanth Mahadev Temple, located about 32 km from Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, you can follow these options:

By Air
  • Nearest Airport: Jolly Grant Airport (Dehradun) is about 40 km away. You can hire a taxi or take a bus to Rishikesh and then proceed to Neelkanth Mahadev.
By Train
  • Nearest Railway Station: Rishikesh Railway Station is around 30 km from the temple. From there, you can hire a taxi or auto-rickshaw to reach Neelkanth Mahadev.
By Road
  • Driving: If you’re driving, follow NH58 from Rishikesh towards Neelkanth Mahadev. The route is scenic but winding, so drive carefully.
  • Bus Services: You can take a bus from Rishikesh to Neelkanth Mahadev. Local buses and shared taxis are available from Rishikesh.
Local Transport
  • Once in Rishikesh, taxis and auto-rickshaws are available to take you to the temple.
Trekking Option
  • For the adventurous, there’s a trekking route from Rishikesh to Neelkanth Mahadev, which takes about 2-3 hours.

Enjoy your trip!

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