How To Reach Daksha Mahadev Temple

To reach Daksha Mahadev Temple, located in Kankhal, near Haridwar, Uttarakhand, you can follow these directions:

By Air
  • Nearest Airport: Jolly Grant Airport (Dehradun) is about 35 km away. You can hire a taxi or take a bus to Haridwar from the airport.
By Train
  • Nearest Railway Station: Haridwar Railway Station is well-connected to major cities. From the station, you can take a taxi or auto-rickshaw to Kankhal.
By Road
  • Bus Services: Haridwar is accessible by bus from various nearby cities. You can take a bus to Haridwar and then hire a taxi to Kankhal.
  • Driving: If you’re driving, follow NH58 towards Haridwar, then take local roads to Kankhal.
Local Transport
  • Once in Haridwar, you can use local taxis or auto-rickshaws to reach the temple, which is about 5 km from the city center.
Nearby Attractions
  • The temple is near other significant sites, such as the Mahadev Temple in Kankhal and the Ganga River.

Be sure to check the temple’s timings and any special events if you plan to visit!

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