How To Reach Kalimath

To reach Kalimath, located in Uttarakhand, follow these directions based on your starting point:

By Air:
  • The nearest airport is Dehradun (Jolly Grant Airport), about 170 km away. From the airport, you can hire a taxi to reach Rudraprayag and then Kalimath.
By Road:

From Rudraprayag:Kalimath is about 20 km from Rudraprayag. You can hire a taxi or take a local bus heading toward Kalimath.

From Gaurikund:It’s approximately 30 km away. You can take a taxi or a bus to Rudraprayag first, then to Kalimath.

    From Rishikesh: It’s around 140 km. Take a bus or taxi to Rudraprayag, then continue to Kalimath.

    From Haridwar: Approximately 160 km. Take a bus or taxi to Rudraprayag, then head to Kalimath.

        By Train:
        • The nearest major railway station is Rudraprayag Railway Station (limited services) or Haridwar Railway Station. From there, you can take a taxi or bus to Kalimath.
        Local Tips:
        • Best Time to Visit: Early morning or late afternoon for pleasant weather.
        • Accommodations: Check for nearby hotels or guesthouses if you plan to stay overnight.
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